Configuration file
The ServerService.dll.config file contains the following settings:
- ServerProcessName contains the process name of the server.
- DoNotRedirectOutput indicates, if the output of the server should be redirected through the program. If set to false, it will appear on the console.
- SessionActiveDefault indicates if CWSRestart is started on an active machine. Set it to false if you are starting the program on a locked PC/server.
- BypassSendQuit indicates if the program should try to stop the server peacfully. If this is set to true no key will be sent and the server will be terminated immediately.
- CheckLoopback defines if access should be checked from the loopback network.
- CheckInternet defines if access should be checked from the internet.
- CheckLAN defines if access should be checked from the local network.
- IPService contains the link to a service, that can be used to retreive the IP address.
- Loopback the loopback IP. Usually
- Internet the global IP.
- LAN the local network IP.
- Port contains the port on wich access should be checked.
- Timeout is the time that is given the server to exit (in milliseconds).
- ServerPath contains the location of the server.
- StatisticsInterval is the intervall between to statistic updates (in milliseconds).
- SaveStatisticsEvery contains the number after wich statistics should be saved. Every x statistics updates, statistics are saved.