Yesterday I uploaded an alpha built of the upcoming version 0.9.0. You can find it over at GitHub, in case you’re interested.
There is something I forgot to add into the recent development update: I’m currently working on premium slots. Premium slots are a limited number of slots, that is reserved to a special set of players. These players will need to authenticate and can then join your server, even if the maximum number of players is reached.
I have to admit. I didn’t really post much stuff in the last days in the CWSRestart topic. So here is the current development status:
After yesterdays post about custom servers, I continued to work on the plugin for the cuwo server. The server itself is written in Python, which makes it not so trivial to use my existing .net library.
Most servers that I visit seem to run the server.exe that comes with CubeWorld. However, if you look around, more and more servers with custom software pop up. The first server that I came across is Cuwo. But there are more. Coob, Glydar and a Ghrum implementation.